Wonders of science


Wonders of science – Space facts

Science attracted humans from the very beginning. With the increase of knowledge, science divides up into branches and sub-branches. Physics is the branch of science where we study matter and all different concepts related to it. Motion (and Gravity) was the First ever concept discovered. These concepts were discovered by Aristotle in the 4th century BCE when he tried to explain these concepts by using four element theory. Starting from these concepts, now physics has multiple dimensions. Concepts are counting up continuously.

Classical physics and modern physics are two main branches of physics. It’s not the end, physics has many other sub-branches derived from the above-mentioned two branches. Physics often includes elements from other branches of science. 

Being a human means infinite imagination. Reasoning ground-up human civilization. Those tall big cities with unimaginable structures are the result of human development. Earth became small and we are moving to discover the wonders of the universe. Solar system to the far-fetched universe, humans are determined to discover every inch. Astronomy is the branch of science where we study everything beyond Earth’s atmosphere (stars, constellations, planets, galaxies, etc). Later on, it was discovered that astronomy alone cannot determine different reactions occurring in the cosmos. To resolve the problem another study of space science was introduced under the name astrophysics where it became possible to understand the life and death of stars, nebula, planets, galaxies, and other objects of the universe.

The youth drew towards astrophysics because of its fanciful basic. Space is fantasy itself, we all admire the night sky because of the presence of countless luminous objects twinkling in the sky. Astrophysics is all about the universe. There is an infinite sector above earth’s atmosphere where there is no oxygen to breathe and the sky turns black. Space is not completely vacuumed, some particles like dust, gas, molecules wander around. Apart from these dust particle universe have stars, planets, nebulas, meteoroids, asteroids, and other huge floating masses.

Curious to know more about space wonders, we have some interesting details for you.

Moon was part of the earth:

Different theories explain different possibles of how the moon formed. The most reliable is the giant impact theory. This theory explains that the moon formed as the result of a collision between proto earth and mars sized planet. After the collisions, tiny masses conjoined and started to revolve around the earth.


Sample rocks from the moon contain elements that are similar to the earth’s crust elements. Based on this theory it is proposed that Moon was once a part of the earth.

Oxygen presence on mars:

Of all the known planets, plants live on mars. Mars has 0.16% oxygen in its atmosphere. Humans cannot survive on this proportion of oxygen gas. Other types of microorganisms compatible with this proportion of oxygen can survive on Mars. Plants can survive on Mars as the soil have many nutrients that plant needs for their healthy growth, and atmosphere has enough carbon dioxide and oxygen.

Cold welding:

In space, two separate pieces of the same metal can fuse on contact. Atomic diffusion occurs and atoms fuse. Diffusion happens when an atom moves. Yes, atoms don’t move but atoms surpassing 0 K temperature can move even if they are still. A fascinating technique is known as cold welding.

The phenomenon is common in space because space is a vacuum with no hindrance. No other particles are present in space so metal atoms can diffuse easily without resistance.  Another reason why cold welding is possible in space? Is that the temperature in space fits with the temperature condition (i.e. 0 K).

Blackhole forms when a star is dying:

When a star collapses within its core its converts into other forms like a white dwarf, neutron star, or quark star. When it crosses Tolman Oppenheimer Volkoff’s limit and continues to collapse a black hole is formed. Black holes are not immortal as they can die under the strong effect of Hawking radiation. The estimated total time a black hole requires to end up completely is longer than the age of the universe. They are mortal but immortal.

The gravitational pull of a black hole is extreme. Even light particles with minimum mass cannot escape back from this gravitational pull. It is almost impossible to dodge a black hole pull.

There is water in space:

Space is a vacuum, so how there can be water?

I have an answer to your question. SOFIA – (stratospheric observatory for infrared astronomy) which is an aircraft with a telescope that is used to observe outer space. In September 2020 SOFIA discovered a water reservoir in the form of clouds. These clouds have water in gaseous forms. This reservoir is not the only discovered source of water. Many other forms of water exist in space. The estimated amount of water to be discovered in space is approximately 400 billion gallons.

The human body reacts differently in space:

The human body encounters a number of changes during space travel. The absence of gravity is the main cause for these changes. I am not talking about weightlessness. There are other affecting processes that the human body goes through. Following are the major changes the human body encounters during space travel:

  • Loss in Bone and muscle mass – Gravity helps our muscles to be in shape. In space routinely used muscles are no longer in use and they eventually shrink themselves causing muscle weakness.
  • Distortion in body fluids – Human body is 70% water. In space fluid volume in the body changes. The blood circulation process also changes. This affects heart functioning. Due to the absence of gravity, fluid transfers to the upper part of the body causing changes in brain muscles.  Increased intracranial pressure and Dizziness is the most common side effects of fluid distortion.
  • Eyesight problems - Changes in muscles and fluids affect the eyes too. Intracranial pressure increases in the brain and face. This affects eyeballs’ placement. Increased pressure dislocate eyes muscle causing blurriness and Light flashes (LF).
  • Skin damages - Skin damages occur due to a high level of collagen. The collagen level rises because muscle and bone movement are reduced. The calcium from bones is released into blood vessels causing a higher level of collagen. Skin appeared to be crumpled and sagging.

Yet space is full of wonders. Humans are willing to explore more and more.

Gathered data is helping us to understand and improve space travel. There are many theories are explaining different happenings regarding the universe. We discovered many things within the known universe and yet many more are to be discovered.

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