Time Management Techniques

  5 Most Common Time Management Techniques and Barriers


Time Management Techniques is a skill to reduce your stress and increase your performance. Effective time management techniques help you to manage the barriers to effective productivity. Bill Gates is considered a successful person of the day and don’t forget you and this successful person has only 24 hours in a day. By managing his time Bill Gates is achieving more than a normal person because the normal person does not include Time management techniques in his planning and some barriers to time management kill their time. Here, I am going to discuss the five most common time management techniques and barriers.

Time and tide wait for none”


Time Management 

Some factors are a part of our life which kills our time and by working long hours in a day we still end with anxiety, depression and a lot of pending works for the next day. To avoid stress and work smarter not harder we are to first understand these barriers.

1.    Failing to set priorities Time Management 

We fail to set our routine like what to do urgently and what can be delayed. We don’t understand what is most important than important and least important in your life. When we are unable to schedule these things then they become barriers to waste our time.

2.    Procrastination

Procrastination means overthinking like if we are only thinking and are unable to reach a decision then this thinking is of no use for us. This kind of barrier often leads to anxiety and people remain in past and revolve around the mistakes they made in past.

3.    Ineffective delegation

If you have a workload and you want to divide your major task to someone else then this is called as a delegation and if this kind of delegation is not made to a proper person then this can finish the purpose of delegation and on return the burden which you wanted to decrease could not fulfill your need.

4.    Unnecessary Meetings effects on Time Management.

Attending or organizing unnecessary get together which does not give you a useful output is a wastage of time. These kinds of meetings become a major barrier to set your routines and on result, you keep most of the important tasks pending because of these meetings.

5.    Wrong Documentation in Time Management 

If you are a student or a person working in an office can be your barrier, did the wrong documentation or have mismanaging paperwork then you have to do again a proper documentation and manage your paperwork accordingly which is a wastage of time actually.

Time Management Techniques

As we have discussed some barriers above which are the main reason to waste our time. Now, I will discuss some basic techniques to avoid these barriers which in result increase our performance. So, let’s have a look,

1.    Identification of tasks

We are to schedule our daily routine tasks from most important to least important, from most urgent to least one a day ago. The most important thing is to carry out the most urgent and most important tasks first then most urgent only and so on thus you can save your time.

2.    Monitoring your Plan

Monitor your plans on a daily basis of after some time. Some kind of planning does not work after a period and if you are still on that old agenda then sorry to say you are just wasting your time so, update yourself and your plans to compete in a modern way.

3.    Delegating effectively

The delegation must be effectively like divide your tasks then choose a person who is perfectly fit for your task for an effective and a better result and on other hand the reason behind your delegation is effective only in this way.

4.    Control interruptions

There are some interruptions like unnecessary meetings. These kinds of meetings you should avoid. Have regular or meetings with your friends or clients or after some time as if you can’t attend their surprise meetup it is easy for you to manage your friends and clients.

5.    Give yourself time

Make an appointment with oneself like take some time to think about what you have done, what are the mistakes you made and what could be done for a better version of it. This is the best thing to improve and update yourself.

8 Time Management Techniques

  1. The Eisenhower Matrix / The Eisenhower box
  2. Kanban Board
  3. Do Deep Work / Avoid Half-Work or Shallow Work
  4. The Pomodoro Technique
  5. Track how you spend your time
  6. GTD - Getting things done
  7. OKR - Objectives and key results
  8. The most popular agile management framework

 Time Management Techniques

Time Management Techniques


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