Anxiety among people disrupt human health. It increases the rate of cell death and decreases the rate of new cell birth. Usually, people remain tensed about unknown reasons. Sometimes problems in unconsciousness do not allow them to keep them healthy physiologically.
Research shows that those who have psychological issues remain feel pressure on brain and such pressure ultimately stop normal growth of tissue and cells.
Human anxiety can be controlled through meditation and adaptation of human behaviours. Individual willingness is pivotal to deal issues related to depression, paranoia and stress. While someone feel stress, he should try to first recognise real problem.

Under severe depression and stressfull situation, hypothalamus stimulate secretion of stress hormones such as epinephrine or nor - epinephrine in the bloodstream. As a result, physiological condition of human body deteriorates.Human anxiety can be controlled through meditation and adaptation of human behaviours. Individual willingness is pivotal to deal issues related to depression, paranoia and stress. While someone feel stress, he should try to first recognise real problem.
Whenever problem is not highlighted, it cannot be cured. Someone people try to remain busy to forget unwilling thoughts. Always try to cope up over thinking as it aleways lead to depression.
To be remain happy, someone should enhance positive social interaction with friends and family members. Strong human relationship cannot lead to psychological issues and culminates healthy body.
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