6 example of aerobic exercise

The 6  best examples   of      cardiorespiratory exercises | example of aerobic exercise at home

Aerobic exercise is any type of cardiovascular conditioning. It can include activities like brisk walking, swimming, running, or cycling. You probably know it as “cardio.”

By definition, aerobic exercise means “with oxygen.” Your breathing and heart rate will increase during aerobic activities. Aerobic exercise helps keep your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy.

The 6 best examplesof cardiorespiratory exercises | examples of cardiovascular training

In this article, we will discuss about the 6 Best Cardio Exercises examples.

Formulas to have fun while you burn calories and acquire aerobic resistance.

Gain resistance. Accumulate thousands of heartbeats. Lay the foundations to be able to face quality training with guarantees, 'crushing' sessions of much greater scope. Also, lose weight, let go of the ballast that the little whims of daily life give us. That is what we pursue with the so-called cardiovascular activities.

 Next, I propose the 6 most effective examples of cardiorespiratory exercises, where we will work all the muscles, we will improve aerobic resistance and, in addition, we will have a good time:"


The 6  best examples   of      cardiorespiratory exercises | example of aerobic exercise at home

1. Walking And Running Are Examples Of Cardiorespiratory Exercise.

 Walking And Running Is one of the most important Examples Of Cardiorespiratory Exercise. It is the main one, the number one par excellence, since you can do it anywhere, at any time, with a training group, alone u can run and walk easily ... Also, in cold places or when we are short of time, we can do it inside the gym on treadmill. It is said that approximately your body weight is expended in calories for every kilometer you run.


Rowing is an example of cardiorespiratory exercises

2. Rowing is an example of cardiorespiratory exercises.


Rowing is another example of cardiorespiratory exercises.

It is a good alternative if you need to rest your legs or have an injury that does not allow you to perform an activity with impact. With this work you will develop the strength of your back and you will also work on the coordination of arms and legs


Boxing is another example of cardiorespiratory exercises

3. Boxing is another example of cardiorespiratory exercises.

If you have a training partner or just a bag in the gym, you can become a fan of this sport that will bring out the best in you. With interval training where we work for 2-3 minutes we will see how demanding it can be.


4. Jumping rope , Skipping rope is another most important example of cardiorespiratory exercises.

Skipping rope is one of the most important examples of cardiorespiratory exercises that can do anyone children boys girls even men and women too.

It is a material that you can take anywhere and that will make you increase your heart rate quickly. Our recommendation is that you work just like in boxing, for intervals of 3-5 minutes, since it is very difficult to maintain this activity for a long time at a time.


Cycling is the best example of cardiorespiratory exercise

5. Cycling is the best example of cardiorespiratory exercises.


If you have a bicycle or are signed up to a gym, you can use cycling as a sport to develop your aerobic endurance. The probability of injury is very low and you can also visit spectacular landscapes.


6. Swimming is an example of cardiorespiratory exercises.

You will be able to strengthen all the muscles of the upper part of the body and at the same time you will work a lot on your heart. It is a very good alternative for all those who suffer a knee or ankle injury and do not want to stop doing physical activity. U can swim in a pool , river and see it is helpful for a cardiorespiratory system of the human body


Example of aerobic exercise at home 


Playing sports is one of the healthy habits that can be most affected by quarantine, but the reduction of time outdoors and the limitation of space are not a problem when practicing aerobic exercises at home.



The first thing that we must take into account when planning an aerobic exercise session at home is the capacity and physical fitness that we have and not worry about meeting goals that are not within our reach at the moment.


The ideal is that the training lasts between 20 and 45 minutes, but the rhythm must be adapted to the sensations and level, there will be time to progress in intensity with perseverance and practice.


It is also important that we set a point in our house that allows us to exercise in total comfort, better if it is ventilated, and condition it to move with some freedom.



Not all of us currently have complementary material to do sports at home, nor the facility to obtain it immediately, but it is not a problem if we want to do aerobic exercises; you can do a session with the routine that we propose.



It is an exercise of certain physical demand, since we alternate squats and push-ups with a certain intensity. To do it correctly, we will start standing, with our legs apart and begin to lower our waist until we rest our hands on the ground. Once in this position, we make a jump with the legs until they are stretched in position to perform a complete flexion. We perform the movement in reverse and jump to get up and stay in the starting position.



Squats are a basic exercise that we can include in practically any sports routine at home. To perform them aerobically, we must extend their practice around 15 or 20 minutes, with small breaks between practice and practice.


To do them in their classic version, we will stand up, with our legs open shoulder-width apart and we will begin to lower our trunk by bending our knees. We must take into account that the position of our back is always kept straight, and that the knees do not exceed the limit of our toes when flexing.


To add intensity, we can practice jump squats. To do this, we will perform the same initial movement as in a normal squat, but once we are in a flexed position, we will push ourselves up with our legs to stand up again and repeat the exercise.


It is another of the very complete exercises and that also allows us to adapt the intensity of the practice in a personalized way. To begin, we support both palms of the hands on the ground, open to the width of the shoulders and one leg extended and the other flexed. Once in position, the movement will be with the knee of the leg bent towards the chest and alternating with the support leg, as if we were climbing a horizontal wall.



With the jumps from knees to chest we will work the legs and the abdomen at the same time that we do aerobic exercise at home. To practice them, we will stand on our feet and make the movement of raising our knees alternately towards our chest, propelling them with a jump.


If we have material to complement aerobic exercises at home, we can expand the spectrum of modalities with ideas like the ones we propose.




To perform steps at home, we will only need a sports step or a similar element that fulfills the same function. We can practice going up and down the step alternately with both legs in batches of about 5 minutes and rest. But remember, the most important thing is to adapt the exercise to your physical abilities and not force it.


As we have seen, there is no excuse not to practice aerobic exercise at home, just a little desire, choose the place in our home that we are going to prepare for practice and de-stress and activate our body by doing a little sport.


If you want more tips to continue with your day-to-day life at home, download this Guide for the care of muscle and joint health.


example ofaerobic exercise

examples ofcardiovascular training


aerobic exercise examples at home

example of cardiorespiratory exercises

cardio example

what are th e example of aerobic exercise

what are th e example of aerobic exercise

example of aerobic exercise

aerobic exercise examples at home

example of cardiorespiratory exercises

cardio example


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