6 Ways to Keep Your Lungs Healthy

6 Ways to Keep Your Lungs Healthy

6 Simple Ways You Can Take Care Of Your Lungs & Live A Healthier Life

If someone said the words “healthy living” to you right now, what would you think of?

Most of us would probably immediately think about our diets and how they affect our weight, our heart’s health or risk of developing diabetes. We might also think about how exercising keeps our waistlines thin and our hearts strong and healthy. But how soon would you think about tips for a healthy respiratory system?

The lungs are one of the most vital organs in our body because they are simply responsible for letting us breathe, without them ... we could not live! But since they are not in sight, we neglect to clean and strengthen them. That's why here we give you 7 tips for healthy lungs:




Everywhere we hear that exercising is essential for good health. To make our lungs stronger and more resistant, it is best to practice aerobic exercises, such as running, walking, swimming, playing soccer,
or any other activity that involves exercising breathing.




Smoking is one of the most harmful habits for the lungs. So if you are a smoker, seriously consider saying goodbye to cigarettes. By quitting smoking, you will strengthen and clean your lungs. Remember that smoking is one of the main causes of lung cancer.




Natural garlic helps to open the bronchial tubes so that we can breathe better. In addition, it helps to clean the lungs, as it removes harmful materials that become lodged in them. There are thousands of ways to consume garlic, try the one that convinces or pleases you the most!





Breathing in aromatic steam that contains eucalyptus or lemon is a surefire remedy to cleanse the lungs. The tip is to boil water, then add a few eucalyptus or lemon leaves and breathe in the steam that is generated by covering our head completely with a blanket. Another option is to use a humidifier.


5. Reduce The Consumption Of Fat


Reducing the consumption of fat in the daily diet is a good way to help clean our lungs. Instead, it is advisable to consume products rich in antioxidants and nutrients, such as fruits and vegetables.


6. Do Breathing Exercises


Performing breathing exercises is an excellent option for our lungs to become stronger. The idea is to focus on how we breathe and practice exercises that make our lungs really work. In this sense, yoga is great, because it is based precisely on the use of breath.

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