Christian terrorism.

 An example of Christian terrorism in the Portuguese city of Evora The statue depicts a Christian warrior beheading a Muslim in Andalusia And he has beheaded another Muslim and dropped him at his feet.

This statue is insulting humanity and inciting terrorism We have done this to Muslims before and will continue to do so in the future But Muslims are still extremists in the eyes of liberals 15 million in World War I.

 75 million in World War II 4 million in Hiroshima Nagasaki 50 million Red Indians Who killed humans?

Were these wars fought by Muslims ???

 Who enslaved 100 million Africans ???

 Who committed massacres in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Cyprus, and Burma in this modern era ???

 Were these murderers Muslims ??? 

But still terrorist Muslims?

Cyprus gained independence for some time around 669 but was conquered by Egypt under Amasis (570–526/525). The island was conquered by the Persians around 545 BC. A Persian palace has been excavated in the territory of Marion on the North coast near Soli. The inhabitants took part in the Ionian rising.

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where is Cyprus located
Cyprus time Cyprus, turkey
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