Gates' Corona Agenda Exposed in the United States.

Gates' Corona Agenda Exposed in the United States ... 

US Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams has said that Bill Gates used his WHO and CDC to cheat in the name of Corona, but now we have defended him with a fan. The Surgeon General's statement meant that the data showing the symptoms and diagnosis of the virus was diagnosed by Bill Gates WHO. The figures were fake, the procedure is wrong too, so the US has now kicked off Bill Gates in the ass and now we are moving through the original data.

Remember Dr. Jerome Adams's assertion that US President Donald Trump pushed Bill Gates out of his office and announced that the WHO's funding would be stopped. Bill Gates is now cursing America, but unfortunately the Pakistani government is still following the same Bill Gates and WHO figures. Americans understand, Pakistanis still don't understand sorry ... Are our rulers blind deaf people who don't know WHO's proven to be a liar in America?

Why are Pakistani media's anchors getting money from Bill Gates in exchange for spreading fear to the Mafia? Is the media not paving the way for a global agenda? Knowing my job was, ahead of you decide whether Pakistan should still follow the orders of Bill Gates and WHO or treat Gates like the United States himself?


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