Big news about corona .stanford University research about corona .

Research from Stanford University has shown that despite affecting millions of people, the death toll from the corona virus is no higher than the number of deaths from fever and cold each year. 

That is, coronavirus is the same as the common flu, with fewer deaths. The death toll in the world is not more than 5% but the fear is being spread through the media such as plague or AIDS or cancer ..... Now not as many people will die of coronation as will die of starvation. These people will also put it in the account of Corona.

. When there is no scientific evidence that coronavirus is dangerous to sustain life on earth, where is the wisdom in calling it a global epidemic .... ?? I think the world should now question WHO fraud. Believing in these Jews blindly is no less than suicide because this is a nation that has killed its own prophets, what position do we have before them?

Before the Corona outbreak, the US CIA had warned Israel and its allies in advance that an epidemic was about to break out. Now, prepare for the statements of the Israeli Minister of Health and the Minister of Defense in a very peaceful and satisfying tone. They say we have no problem with corona.

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